

miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2011

11th of May

Today Bradley Nash, a English biology teacher, went to our class. He went to Spain to do a project with Mª Dolores Dorado, our biology teacher.
We've cheked the cartoon of Calvin and Hobbes. While we were doing that, we said an English expression about cartoon: "TO PUT YOURSELF IN SOMEONE ELSE'S SHOES". This in Spanish is: "PONERSE EN EL PELLEJO DEL OTRO".

We did a disscusion about a sentence that appeared in the comic: "THE END JUSTIFY THE MEANS". We was talking about if this sentence is good and when a person is machiavellic. Everybody was against this sentence, but Isa asked an interesting question: "Is machiavellic a person if the means are good?".

In my opinion, if the means are good, the sentence and the word machiavellic doesn't make sense, because this sentence refers to when the means are bad.
Then, Mr. Nash gave us his opinion about this topic and congratulated us on our pronunciation.
In the other part of the class, we started exercises about ethics and politics.
The questions were:
1. What message is the cartoonist trying to convey? Why does politics appear on a door and ethics on a trashbin?
2. What is your opinion about this message?
3. What is your opinion about the relationship between ethics and politics?
The question that I found more interesting was the second and this was my answer:
"To my mind, politicians have lost their ideals and think only of winning the elections. They do what is necessary to get the most of the seats, although things were bad".
If we had doubts, we could asked them to Meghan an Mr. Nash.

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