

miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2011

16th of March

This Wednesday we worked about an important right, "The Golden Rule". The Golden Rule consists on "One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself (positive form)". This right it's very important because the Golden Rule permits that each person has the right to just treatment and a reciprocal responsibility to ensure justice fot others. It can be found in ancient Babylon, Egypt, Persia, India, Greece, Judea and China.

The problem is that we don't respect this rule. we have to respect the Golden Rule because if we don't respect everybody, they wouldn't respect us. In this way, it will create conflicts among different cultures and countries. I think this rule doesn't follow in the whole world, although it has existed for ages.
And the last question that we've worked was the dilemma that if it's necesary to belong to a religion in order to follow the Golden Rule. We think to follow this rule is only necessary tu have human reagon. Besides, we feel that religions have often created that people treated different between them. The truth is we want that people like us and we hurt if a person or country doesn't treat well us. Then, why are we sometimes racist?

In this class we did five activitties about this rule. We corrected only three questions:
  • What is the Golden Rule?
  • Why is the Golden Rule important to discussing human rights?
  • In which cultures can we find the Golden Rule?

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