

martes, 1 de marzo de 2011


In this class we worked and did some exercises about the Ethic. Ethics know as moral philosophy. There are five branch of Ethics:
  • Meta-ethics
  • Normative ethics
  • Applied ethics
  • Moral phychology
  • Descriptive ethics
We read an entry in wikipedia of applied Ethics and them we answered anothers questions. Appplied Ethics is the philosophycal examination from a moral standpoint of particular issues in private and public life that are matters of moral judgent. Some examples of Applied Ethics are environmental ethics, business ethics, normative ethics and meta-ethics. Some branch of Applied Ethics are:

  • Decision ethics or ethical theories and ethical decision processes
  • Professional ethics or ethics to improve professionalism
  • Clinical ethics or ethics to improve our basic helth needs
  • Business ethics or individual based mords to improve ethics in an organization
  • Organizational ethics or ethics among organizations
  • Social ethics among nations and as one global unit
Then we worked about medical Ethics. It is a system of moral principles that apply values and judgments to the practice of medicine. Some of the important values in this field are:
  • Autonomy
  • Beneficence
  • Non-maleficence
  • Justice
  • Dignity
  • Truth fulness and honesty

We saw a episode of House. It is about a dilemma between House and a new doctor. The doctor want to say the truth to the patients and House do the things without any permise. With this episode we discussed about what is a dilemma and in specific cases what we have to do, if say the truth or not.  In House's episode occurs the dilemma between autonomy and beneficience, because House and Martha (the new doctor) had an argument about it, they should say the truth at the patient.

 Finally we did some exercises about the episode. These exercises created in as an indecision if say the truth in some cases is the better way.

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